Leigh Extence
Fine Antique Clocks
Catalogues and Publications
I have held a number of exhibitions at the former showrooms in Honiton for which I have published catalogues showing my on-going research into the clocks and families involved; most notably Jacot and their associates, and Drocourt and their associates. The catalogues are available to view via the links below.
I have also written various articles on both Jacot and Drocourt for the National Association of Clock & Watch Collectors in America, Chapter 195 Carriage Clocks as well as undertaking talks to various groups including the British Horological Institute. Links to the articles are below, as is a link to the presentation that accompanies the talk on carriage clocks.

Pierre & Alfred Drocourt - Clocks and Family
Following on from my research into the Jacot family & their clocks, I was also doing the same for Pierre-Etienne Drocourt and his son Alfred. After some in-depth digging and research I was able to put together their story and again dispel many myths and inaccuracies, as well as build on some of the information already at hand.
The research is far from over and continues alongside that of Jacot, with that published in this catalogue purely a summary. I have since managed to unearth the identity of the enigmatic H.L.; the previously unknown maker of the blancs-roulants for not only Drocourt but many other early carriage clock makers including Paul Garnier and Bourdin.
Henri Jacot - Clocks & Family
I first took an interest in the carriage clocks of Henri Jacot in the early eighties, and over time built up a fair amount of data on the clocks. But having found information about the family extremely hard to come by I started undertaking research from source, as well as buying as many of their clocks as possible and viewing others.
Over the years I built up a great deal of information on Henri and his family, most unknown and previously unrecorded, including his place & date of birth, the real identity of his successor and nephew and their relationships with other makers, most notably the Drocourt family. It was also a wonderful moment to finally prove the identity of AB and his family; the maker of the complicated blancs roulants used by Jacot. The catalogue includes a summary of the research that is still on-going.
The Max Cutmore Collection of Watches
In 2011 I was approached by the son of Dennis Bacon (also known as the author Max Cutmore) with a view to dispersing his late Father’s collection of some 4,000 watches & movements, alongside all his research, correspondence and personal effects as relating to his collection.
I decided to buy the whole lot and took six months to put together the main English watches & movements to form this exhibition, which also includes the books written by Cutmore and a number of his personal items.
Below are links to various publications I've written on carriage clocks, as well as a presentation that accompanied talks to various groups.
Carriage Clock Makers of Paris illustrated by Postcards
For the NAWCC: November 2021
An article focussing on my new research material as regards the carriage clockmakers of Paris using wonderful early postcards, images of clocks, receipts and letterheading along with new source material.
Carriage Clock cases: One-piece or Multi-piece?
For the NAWCC: May 2019
A further article on carriage clock cases concentrating on the earlier forms of one-piece and multi-piece.
Drocourt: First & Last
For the NAWCC: July 2017
An article written following my purchases within a month of each other of the first known Drocourt carriage clock, number 2, and the last recorded example, number 36340. The first made circa 1856 and the last circa 1909.
Best read following the October 2016 article.
Le Locle on the Seine
Artisanal & Entrepreneurial Traditions in Henri Jacot's Parisian Atelier
An Article for the NAWCC Watch & Clock Bulletin: Oct 2018 by Larry Fabian
Larry Fabian has written an in-depth article on the Jacot family and their place within the ateliers of the Parisian Marais region, for which I was happy to supply information from my research material.
Carriage Clock Makers of Saint Nicolas illustrated by Postcards
For the NAWCC: September 2020
An article focussing on my new research material as regards Drocourt, Jacot, Delepine-Barrois and Couaillet, all with workshops in the horological town of Saint Nicolas d'Aliermont
Carriage Clock cases: Gorge or Cannelée?
For the NAWCC: Feb 2019
Despite a mix-up in later years, the difference between these two styles of case is still often misinterpreted.
Jacot & Drocourt
For the NAWCC: Oct 2016
An article written using my research following a visit to Paris showing that there was indeed a connection between the two great Parisian carriage clock making families Jacot & Drocourt. Includes a concise history of Drocourt that follows on from my 2013 exhibition catalogue.
Attributing a Paul Garnier Carriage Clock through Research
For the NAWCC: December 2020
An article showing how in-depth and forensic research is able to take an anonymous clock and give it a definite attribution to the well-known maker Paul Garnier.
Jacot: The Transitional Years
For the NAWCC: Dec 2018
An article written using new source material showing the changes in clocks and working practices from the death of Henri Jacot and the continuation of the business by his brother Julien and nephew Albert.
Drocourt & Jacot Carriage Clocks
A Slide Show to accompany the lecture given to the British Horological Institute
Over the last few years I have undertaken various talks to The British Horological Institute on Jacot & Drocourt Carriage Clocks.
The accompanying slide show is now available to view.

An Interview I did some years ago...